The future is now !!!
Today's marketplace is a complex and dynamic environment replete with ever increasing operating expenses, higher debt service, and in some instances, a rising vacancy rate. As a result, this has placed a greater need and significantly increased emphasis on sophisticated professional real estate management.
When you consider the volatile nature of interest rates, inflationary, and recessionary swings and then combine them general economic trends, it's ease to see how invaluable proven expertise can be. In fact, it's practically the only way to realize higher revenues and lower expenses resulting in significantly increased net operating income for you .... which ultimately, of course, reflects in the appreciation of your property.
Price Associates offers you the personal services of its entire Management Team. These real estate professionals are intimately familiar with the inherent problems and profits income property can produce .... and they are ready to make their unique skills work for you.
These individuals are acknowledged as leaders in their field who are active professionals who regularly conduct and attend professional real estate seminars. Consequently, they are able to offer you the latest, most effective management services which result in increased efficiency, value and profit from your property.
Included are.....
Analytical bookkeeping and reporting
Control of outside labor
Supervision of replacement and repairs
More time at the property by our property managers (each of whom handles fewer units than the industry average)
Intensive office/principal supervision of property managers
Absorption of problems which building owners will no longer have to confront.